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Barren, isolated and cold, there is little to endear Cheimeros to outsiders - and that is exactly how the Cheimerons want it. A tough and dour people, the Cheimerons are survivalists at heart and want nothing more than for the rest of the galaxy to leave them well alone. Although the planet has little by way of natural resources, its people have learnt to eke out a living from what it has: rocks, base metals and a lot of geothermal activity.
– The voiceover for an Achelian education documentary on Cheimeros.

A history of Cheimeros

It isn't certain exactly how, when or why Cheimeros was settled. What little is known suggests that a large group of people all arrived at once, then promptly shut off communications and cannibalised their ships for the tools needed to make the blasted little planet habitable. A strictly hierarchical society grew up around the thermal vents that provided heat and nutrients spat up from the planet's core, the old and experienced ruling over the young and inexperienced. It wasn't until centuries later, when the first great Achelian trade ships burst into the sky, that they were even made aware of the rest of the Seven Systems again.

They weren't exactly thrilled by the discovery. Life on Cheimeros was hard, and in order to survive the communities had fostered an inward-looking attitude and a strong set of community ties and obligations. Dissent was discouraged as it weakened the fabric of society. While the gardens of Briareos filled their pantries and enabled the population to grow, the exposure to external culture threatened the aeons of hard work that enabled people to survive on Cheimeros. Not only that, but being more or less forgotten had allowed Cheimeros to slip by unnoticed as other planets fought. Now they were back on the scene, there was a risk that the stronger civilisations might see Cheimeros as a target, or worse…

The worst fears of the Cheimeran leaders were realised in the wake of The Ananke Conference. Not only was the rest of the galaxy gearing up for war, but civil unrest broke out on the planet's surface as the young and spirited took the events as a turning point in their own history. If trouble at home weren't enough, the Kedalion war machine invaded a scant few years later. Kedalion used an uncanny foreknowledge of Cheimeran defences and tactics to wipe a number of settlements off the map, not caring whether they targeted combatants or civilians.

However, despite early Kedalion gains it appears that they underestimated the Cheimeran persistence (or, perhaps, were simply unable to dedicate adequate resources due to their war with Achelia). While Kedalion were eventually able to take Cheimeros over and transform it into effectively a large manufacturing facility, the conflict was drawn out and bloody, with heavy losses suffered on both sides.

Cheimeros now

Extensive aeriel bombardment and resource plundering during the early stages of the war left Cheimeros a barren shell, not good for much except its swathes of empty space. After Cheimeros’s unofficial surrender, Kedalion covered the surface of the planet in factories without any real regard for the natural features of the planet. This has led to many of the geothermal vents collapsing inwards, becoming inaccessible and incapable of supporting the algae and crustacean life that formed much of the Cheimeran diet.

The people of Cheimeros still live in small, close-knit communities. Most Cheimeran civilisation is underground, close to the internal heat that keeps the planet alive and out of the way of the drones which roam the surface. These communities follow the traditional pattern, ruled over by a small group of elders chosen by the town, supposedly by their wisdom. These elders take care to ensure that the community's values – and its members – remain alive. With much of the traditional food supply now inaccessible, this is becoming more difficult, as the Cheimeran people are reliant on nutrient bars provided by Kedalion, whose shipments become less and less frequent.

Many Cheimerons, particularly those who grew up in the War, are not happy with the inward-looking attitude, calling the elders hidebound and authoritarian - and not without good reason. Now, without the threat of an active invasion to band people together, civil unrest has started to break out in fits and starts across the planet.

Many Cheimerons, particularly those who have never known anything but conflict, are not happy with this inward-looking attitude. They are not content to eke out the most meagre living possible under the metallic yoke of the Kedalion machines, and stirrings of unrest break out every so often as the younger generations talk of rebellion.

The people of Cheimeros

Cheimerons are, as a whole, a dour people with a steadfastly practical outlook on life. While some may have loftier outlooks, Cheimeros, as a whole, is not a place for dreaming. Indeed, before the War, those who didn't quite click were often subtly sent off to Selas or Briareos. However, since the conflict has made this more difficult to do, more young dissidents have started to raise their voices against the traditionalist outlook of Cheimeran society and their eventual domination by Kedalion. However, even these will have been greatly affected by a living in a society dominated by poverty and emphasising the importance of duty to your family and your community above all.

This emphasis has also led to a level of ancestor-worship. While Cheimerons have no formal belief system, many choose to keep a shrine to their recent or most respected ancestors, and a common curse is 'I hope your descendants forget you.' Despite what some may call a lack of refinement, Cheimeros also has a vibrant culture, with community meals and dances forming a significant part of the average Cheimeron's social calendar.