====== Thalia Vasiliev ====== ===== The Rest of Their Life ===== ==== Lilies ==== 'I know that Thalia Letts was a lot of things to a lot of people. When she was young, she was an inspiration, a symbol of the new Briareos. She was one of the first people to come down to the planet's surface and start populating in with green, making it a real living, breathing planet again. She was a politician who brought the planet closer together. She lived the start of her life in the shadow of her own self and the stories from the Prometheus but, ultimately, she went on to outshine thata legacy. You can read about all this yourself though. 'To me she was always Auntie Thalia. She was the cool auntie, you know? I was fifteen when she married my Auntie Spider, and they had the wedding on an asteroid, which, well, you see a lot of cool things when you're training in the Menagerie but that blew me away. But when I was there - being really fucking awkward because I was fifteen and you are, but she made time to come and talk, because she was like that. The only thing that stopped her was a small disaster when someone dropped the cake -- but she was immediately there as well, calming down the whole room, giving everyone instructions. Just standing around, sorting everything out at her own wedding, quick as you like it. 'And then once she had finished reorganising dessert, she came back and checke up on me to see if I was ok. Because she was like that.' -- From a speech given at Thalia Letts' funeral by Heron Metaxas ==== Expeditionary! ==== //UH-OH! Even after escaping from the clutches of Dr Blossom, Thalia and her friends still aren't safe. Now they're out in the wastes of Briareos, armed only with their wits as the sun falls. But that's no problem for Expeditionary No.1 -- surviving in the dark is a piece of cake when you've spent your life exploring the old world's barren surface. // //But Thalia isn't the only one out in the dark. There's a rumbling and a moaning and a shambling on the horizon, as it turns out that sometimes... the dead can walk. How will the Expeditionaries get out of this one? Find out in... **EXPEDITIONARY!!**// Below this is a drawing of a young woman with flowers growing out of her hair, wearing the uniform of the Expeditionary League of Briareos. -- From the Blurb of 'Expeditionary!!: Volume X.14', a comic book published in 1372 detailing the heavily fictionalised and heavily sensationalised life of Thalia Letts. ===== What Might Have Been, and Therefore Is ===== ==== Implants - the Medical Uses of Advanced Research. ==== > Imagine the situation. You're a doctor, minding your own business and doing your ordinary medical research, when suddenly someone comes in and hands you 20 years worth of notes on your specific field. You have a field day, and make absolutely untold advances in your field at a pace no-one could have imagined. > > Sound implausible? Maybe, but it's actually what happened on the Ananke, and it's a large part of why Briareos is flourishing today. One of the most notable features of this is the implants worn by many Briareons. you'll know them if you see them - floral, leafy growths that provide their wearers with both nourishment and protection from disease. > > However, many of the early designs had a significant flaw which caused them to be susceptible to fungal infections that, if not caught and treated in time, would kill the person horribly. Such was the tragic fate of the original Thalia Vasiliev, the time traveller who brought peace to Briareos. But scientists in her time were able to learn from her illness and bring that knowledge back - cutting the infection off before it could even develop as a problem.. -- From //In Defence of Time Travel//, a book by Erin Li