======Pre-Ananke Timeline====== History prior to the standardisation of the galactic calendar is so far in the past that it no longer holds relevance to present-day activity. At the time of the standardisation, the nations of Kybele, Eunomia, Achelia and Briareos all existed and were in contact with each other. Cheimeros had been settled some years previously but lost contact with the other systems. These planets were all settled using slower-than-light travel as FTL technology had not yet been invented. This also made communication between systems slow and cumbersome. The standardisation was unique when formed due to not being tied to a planetary orbit. Time was sorted into arbitrary units of 360 days to a year, each day being 24 hours long. Dates are represented with the year being first, followed by a dot, and the day in numerical form. Written in this way, the out-of-character start date for the game //CHRONOS// would be 2019.120 GC. **0 GC** - Eunomian leaders declare the start of a new galactic age and propose this to be year zero. Despite some protests, the Galactic Standard calandar they propose is eventually adopted more or less universally. **743 GC** - Faster Than Light travel discovered **744 GC** - Selas declares independence and the Selasi War of Independence starts. **890 GC** - Cheimeros rediscovered by Achelian trading ships. **894 GC** - First Achelian-Kybele Trade War **1098-1109 GC** - First Galactic War **1112 GC** - Kedalian nation formed by a group of tech conglomorates **1128-1131 GC** - Kedalian-Briarean Supply War **1147 GC** - Second Achelian-Kybele Trade War **1161-1169 GC** - Second Galactic War **1174 GC** - Galactic Syndicate of Planets formed **1190-1191 GC** - Kybele-Eunomian conflict **1254.236 GC** - The first time-travel incident is recorded. **1262.22 GC** - Ananke Conference starts.\\ **1262.31 GC** - Ananke Conference ends. **1282.332 GC** - First CHRONOS meeting\\ **1283.02 GC** Second CHRONOS meeting\\ **1283.32 GC** Third CHRONOS meeting\\ **1283.62 GC** Fourth CHRONOS meeting\\ **1283.92 GC** Fifth CHRONOS meeting.\\