Barren, isolated and cold, there is little to endear Cheimeros to outsiders - and that is exactly how the Cheimerons want it. A tough and dour people, the Cheimerons are survivalists at heart and want nothing more than for the rest of the galaxy to leave them well alone. Although the planet has little by way of natural resources, its people have learnt to eke out a living from what it has: rocks, base metals and a lot of geothermal activity.
– The voiceover for an Achelian education documentary on Cheimeros.
It isn't certain exactly how, when or why Cheimeros was settled. What little is known suggests that a large group of people all arrived at once, then promptly shut off communications and cannibalised their ships for the tools needed to make the blasted little planet habitable. A strictly hierarchical society grew up around the thermal vents that provided heat and nutrients spat up from the planet's core, the old and experienced ruling over the young and inexperienced. It wasn't until centuries later, when the first great Achelian trade ships burst into the sky, that they were even made aware of the rest of the Seven Systems again.
They weren't exactly thrilled by the discovery. Life on Cheimeros was hard, and in order to survive the communities had fostered an inward-looking attitude and a strong set of community ties and obligations. Dissent was discouraged as it weakened the fabric of society. While the gardens of Briareos filled their pantries and enabled the population to grow, the exposure to external culture threatened the aeons of hard work that enabled people to survive on Cheimeros. Not only that, but being more or less forgotten had allowed Cheimeros to slip by unnoticed as other planets fought. Now they were back on the scene, there was a risk that the stronger civilisations might see Cheimeros as a target, or worse.
Following the Ananke conference in 1262, the Cheimeran government began enacting a policy of ‘aggressive defence’, building up arms stocks and weapons technology, making it very obvious that they were a planet prepared for war. However, whatever the government’s fears, such a war never came, with the two nations perceived as the biggest threats - Achelia and Kedalion - either caught up in their own civil war or labelling the small rocky planet ‘not worth the fight’.
This policy did start having an effect at home, however. Aggressive defence meant training the populace to fight and enacting military justice across the civilian population. As the government grew more autocratic in its outlook rumblings of discontent grew louder until the first act of outright rebellion happened in one of the larger Cheimeron settlements, which was taken over by a group calling themselves ‘Open Sky’. They took over the settlement and established an official open spaceport, accessible to the rest of the galaxy.
The government were able to quickly mobilise to crush the first Open Sky rebellion, but the group’s ideals were a sticking point, and discontent continues to spread.
While no wider civil war has yet broken out, many individuals on the planet remain unhappy with the current state of affairs. Despite numerous arrests, Open Sky and numerous other groups like them continue to hold meetings and conduct small-scale demonstrations. The planet as a whole looks to be on the brink of breaking out into civil war.
Much of Cheimeron civilisation is underground, close to the internal heat that keeps the planet alive. Society clusters around geothermal vents which provide the energy needed to grow crustaceans and algae, the base of the Cheimeran diet. Cheimerons live in small, close-knit communities ruled by a council of elders chosen by the town, supposedly for their wisdom. These elders take care to ensure that the community's values – and its members – remain alive.
If the flourishing of rebel groups has shown anything, though, it’s that many people are not happy with this inward-looking attitude, and the people are ready to fight for a different lifestyle, even if it means abandoning traditional values.
Cheimerons are, as a whole, a dour people with a steadfastly practical outlook on life. While some may have loftier outlooks, Cheimeros, as a whole, is not a place for dreaming. Indeed, those who don’t quite click with the rest of society have historically found themselves shipped off to Selas or Briareos, though the current state of military rule on Cheimeros has made that less and less possible. Many Cheimerons loyal to the old order blame the fact that dissidents have been kept of Cheimeros for the recent outbreaks of violence across the planet, and urge the government to resume its policy of strongly encouraging relocation.
Traditional Cheimeron society is hardworking, relying on the wisdom of older and more experienced people within a community. The emphasis is on keeping the community safe and sticking to what is known: on the harsh planet, the unknown is dangerous. This emphasis has also led to a level of ancestor-worship. While Cheimerons have no formal belief system, many choose to keep a shrine to their recent or most respected ancestors, and a common curse is 'I hope your descendants forget you.' Despite what some may call a lack of refinement, Cheimeros also has a vibrant culture, with community meals and dances forming a significant part of the average Cheimeron's social calendar.