Table of Contents

The War

The Seven Systems have experienced conflict for as long as it's possible to remember – and, in all likelihood, they they fought wars before then too. Conflicts large and small, brief and drawn-out have occurred throughout all of recorded history, from the Selasi War of Independence to the Second Achelian-Kybele Trade War (which purportedly only lasted for two hours and thirty-seven minutes before Kybele surrendered).

However, none of them were as all-consuming as the war that broke out following the Ananke explosion. Initially a conflict between Selas and Eunomia, various civil wars, factional splits and treaties soon drew in the rest of the Seven Systems, with only Kybele remaining mostly removed. The death toll resulting from the conflict is estimated to be over a billion, though much of this number comes from civil conflict and disruptions to infrastructure rather than from direct interplanetary battles.

Theoretically still ongoing, this conflict has loomed so large in people's consciousnesses that it is known simply as this: The War.

Note - this page has been divided into a couple of sections, representing different stages in the fighting. Each section has a summary paragraph describing the general trends of the war, and a series of bullet points detailing specific events.

The lead-up to the war

For the twenty years leading up to the War, the Seven Systems had enjoyed an uneasy peace. A delicate set of treaties and trade routes kept the balance of power from tipping too far in any one direction, but only just. Recent conflicts, nationalistic pride and jealousy over resources have meant that a conflict has never been too far from breaking out onto the surface.

Initial hostilities and civil conflict

Following the attempted assassination of Princess Eusenia by a Selasi agent, Eunomia declared war on Selas. Before the invasion truly got off the ground, however, Selas itself exploded into civil war, followed by Briareos and then Eunomia itself. The first stage of the War set the stage for the rest of it: a confusing mess of death and destruction.

Key events from this period of the War include:

Escalation and inter-planetary conflict

With Eunomia getting involved in Selas, and Kedalion getting involved in Eunomia, it was only a matter of time before the rest of the Systems were drawn into a web of hostilities. As Briareos split into the ‘Dawn’ and ‘Dusk’ factions, lines of alliance were drawn between factions and the Systems fell into two main power blocs. On the one side, the Eunomian government and Selasi reunificationists allied with Kedalion, Achelia and the Dusk Briareons. On the other, the Selasi government and Dawn Briareons supported the Eunomian Restorers against the Eunomian government. They are supported by Kybele, who officially remain neutral. As Kedalion and Achelia invade Cheimeros, they are also technically on this side, but the other planets do not come to their aid.

* 1272.274 The alliance of Kedalion, Reunificationist Selas and Eunomia are able to gain an upper hand against the Restorers. However, this does not last due to a convergence of factors:

The end of the war

During this period, inter-planetary conflict continued to escalate. Eventually, the Eunomian government’s brutal strategies won the Eunomian Civil War, but the coalition had to cede Selas. By this point both planets were toxic wastelands and the loss was not considered too major. The conflict on Briareos continues, and while the Kybele climate remains stable its political situation is anything but. Cheimeros, Achelia and Kedalion are all under control of the Kedalion-Achelian coalition.

The events detailed below largely relate to the end of the war, however that is not to say that there was a lack of conflict in between these periods - rather, that the conflict was more of the same without any major changes to military strategy.