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Visionary Despina - Florence W



IC Pronouns: She/her

'Do not believe the Selasi lies.

Do you see how they fight amongst themselves? Do you see their distress? This is what comes of those who desert their path - they wander, blind and wanting.

Do not hate the lost Selasi.

These broken tools do not deserve your hate - rather your pity. Are there any among us who have not struggled? We are human, and we falter. To falter on the path is natural. To leave it is cowardice, yes, but do not drive them further away. Guide our lost ones back to us.

Do not doubt your good fortune.

We are the happiest people that ever lived, for we were born in the light. We know the true way of things by nature and custom. Know your good fortune. Pity those who, unknowing, struggle in vain. Pray for their safe passage to the true and rightful path.

Trust in the Ordained. Trust in Order. Trust in Eunomia, for we shall persevere.'

- From 'Salves for the Ills of Our Time'; a pamphlet drafted, approved, and distributed by Visionary Despina.

bio/visionary_despina.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/28 21:35 by gm_izzy