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The following consists of a news bulletin board kept up to date by Mirza Ruan, and others.
Thanks to all of you for ensuring that we don't end up being blown up by some sort of revenge-is-a-dish-best-served-cold missile. It was a close call, but you did it! It's looking like there isn't another one of these from this timeline either. So… no more of this missile nonsense.
Someone who was indispensible in making sure that we don't all die was Champion Cyprian. He tragically gave his own life, ensuring that the missile would not swing back around to target the Prometheus, and for that he has all of our thanks. A memorial service for him will be held in the next few weeks.
I know that people are using them for this whole “There's no longer a robot in your brain” rehabilitation programme, but you've got to stop leaving half finished Sudoku round the station.
Thanks very much to Micah and Nix for ensuring that we have absolutely no obvious weaknesses in our ongoing cyber security.
More heads up from Dileep here! Some more people have been dicking around in our algae supply. It doesn't look like it's anything too bad, but it's not exactly… well… edible.
Some more mysterious notes have been passed around the Prometheus. I don't really care, but maintenance has swept them all up and their in my office if any of you actually want a look.
“I am a Visionary, and I have perfected myself. I have elided myself unto the great political project, and become a perfect artistic flourish on the Eternal Order. It is so self-evidently true, that what else can I believe?
“I am a Visionary. The Order demands it of me to have foresight, drive, and purpose. If I have no purpose, the order has no purpose, so my purpose is being a Visionary. This means my purpose has become simply the execution of my purpose, and anything that exists below that was washed away. Purpose for purpose's sake. A mask over a conspicuous emptiness.
“I am a Visionary, nothing less, but nothing more either. I may once have been me, and there may once have been a person under the mask, but these days I sometimes doubt even that.
“I am a Visionary. I am also a sham. I find myself in conversation with those of Eunomia, those of other castes, those of other system. How laughable it must be for them. They see a Visionary, they must. Surely they see the emptiness of that name, and they who wear it, as I see it in myself and so many others.
“I am a Visionary. I see, and in turn must be seen. What can truly be guided from the shadows, that can not be guided better from the light? Each pair of eyes upon me casts a shadow, which gives one who calls themselves Visionary a space in which to hide. We guide in light, with glamour, and spectacle, and fervour, but we hide behind the glittering mask for risk of spoiling the illusion.
“I am a Visionary. More puppet than human, more cog than driver, more effect than cause. This is what Visionaries must be. Anything less and we would fail as Visionaries. With it, we fail as humans.
“I am a Visionary. See me.”
— F.L.
‘As an addendum to whoever decided to use their internet privileges to set up a “CHRONfessions” page… listen, it’s mostly just awkward when people think that you are, in fact, your boss.’